18 november 2020

Discovering the origins of Losito and Guarini

Discovering the origins of Losito and Guarini - Losito e Guarini

We visited the Losito e Guarini winery in Redavalle, where we had the pleasure of chatting and interviewing Davide Guarini.

Davide is part, together with his brother Renato, of the fourth generation of this family business, which has been in business since 1910.

What are the history and origins of Losito and Guarini?

Our history stems from the meeting of two families of Lombard and Apulian origin: the Guarini family and the Losito family. The actual union took place in the 1960s, but it is already in 1910 that the first traces of activity in the Losito wine world date back. My brother and I joined the management of the company in the early 1990s: I in the sales department and Renato in production and quality control. Becoming part of the company was completely natural, because from a young age we were involved in the world of wine. Although our parents saw me as more suited to production and my brother to commercial work, Renato and I quickly realised that our inclinations were opposite and we ended up swapping roles.

Is there a wine you are most fond of? And why?

Wine is first and foremost a passion for me: ever since I was a child it has been part of my world and my family's tradition. In this period I have become very close to bubbles, which, by the way, I consider the wine of the future. The bottle to which I am most attached is definitely the one bearing the name of my father, Luigi Guarini, which was created by his will. Initially, this project of my father's did not meet with anyone's support, because it was not understood and went against everyone's common opinion. In reality, his idea was ahead of its time and foresaw the direction that the market actually then took. My brother and I, with great pride, were able to carry on his dream and realise it in 2013.

In the same year, you also made the bottles of the ‘Once upon a time’ line. How did the idea of producing such special bottles come about?

About 10-12 years ago, we found some draft designs made by my grandfather Michele at our parents' house. Family memories and the desire to bring grandfather's drawings representing the family coat of arms back to life prompted us to contact glassworks to request the production of the draft on glass. After several attempts, we succeeded in our goal by making a mould suitable for the production of a larger number of bottles.

A very fascinating story. Is there an anecdote linked to a particular wine from this line that you would like to tell us?

There is a popular legend linked to the Blood of Judas that would explain the birth of this wine.

The story goes that Judas, after voluntarily taking his own life, was resurrected by the Lord to perform a good deed that would redeem his betrayal.

After numerous attempts to merit God's forgiveness, he arrived in Broni (in the province of Pavia). Here, a terrible epidemic was affecting all the vines in the surrounding area.

The farmers had resorted to all known methods to save their land and even turned to the village wise man to know what to do. He revealed a prophecy that spoke of one man who could sacrifice himself by offering his blood to save the vines from destruction

Judas, hearing this prophecy, decided to offer himself as a victim: the inhabitants of Broni began to praise and thank him, but during the sacrifice, the village chief in charge of the sacrifice was interrupted by a superhuman force. Judas turned away, full of bitterness, thinking that his offering had not been accepted by God. Just outside the village, however, he saw the lush vines, laden with ripe grapes. Judas had been forgiven and the wine obtained from these new fruits, born thanks to his offering, was called Judas' Blood.

Our chat could only end with a glass of C'era una Volta - Il Sangue di Giuda di Losito e Guarini (https://lositoeguarini.it/en/products/oltrepo-pavese/sangue-di-giuda-doc-c-era-una-volta). A wine that we found sweet and intense, with a fruity aftertaste of berries. Really excellent! If we have intrigued you, try it!