Green Approach

Our mission

Losito e Guarini

For Losito Guarini, organic and vegan wines represent a new milestone in our long-standing commitment to responsible production that prioritizes ethics and health. It is essential for us to follow a philosophy of vineyard management and production that respects the environment while meeting the needs of consumers who seek transparency regarding the ingredients and methods used to make our wines. This approach also allows individuals with specific dietary requirements to enjoy wine as an added pleasure at the table.

For some time now, we have implemented an 'allergen-free' management policy concerning allergens and food intolerances. As a result, we have eliminated:

  • eggs and egg-based products, including lysozyme derived from eggs
  • fish and fish-based products
  • soy and soy-based products
  • milk and dairy products

Our commitment to a green approach is not driven by passing trends but is grounded in tangible health benefits. This ethical choice reflects a deep dedication to individual well-being and environmental preservation, proving that sustainable practices can coexist harmoniously with a healthy lifestyle.

Losito e Guarini

Why organic?

Since 2007, the EU has mandated the use of the common organic label (the green flag with the leaf made of European stars) for all packaged products produced within the Community that contain at least 95% organic ingredients. Alongside the European logo, the code of the certifying body and the actual origin of the ingredients (EU/non-EU) must also be indicated.

Organic regulations set strict guidelines for the preparation of both plant and animal products, aiming to limit the use of additives, flavorings, and other non-organic ingredients that serve primarily sensory or technological functions. The goal is to produce the highest quality product while minimizing environmental impact. In wine production, only additives like sulfites are permitted, and the use of any substances derived from or produced by GMOs is strictly prohibited, even for the few allowed conventional ingredients. Organic production must take place either with dedicated equipment or through separate processes in time or space. In the latter case, the facility must be thoroughly cleaned before organic production begins. Recordkeeping must ensure proper identification and traceability of incoming raw materials and outgoing finished products.

Losito e Guarini

The certification process consists of 5 main phases:

  1. Notification of organic production activities to the relevant authority;
  2. Initial evaluation of the products and production process;
  3. A start-up inspection to verify the correct application and effectiveness of the declared measures in the management plan and related documents;
  4. Issuance of the Justification Document and Certificate of Compliance based on the information and data collected during the evaluation and inspection process;
  5. Annual monitoring through periodic inspections and planned analyses, based on a careful risk assessment, to confirm ongoing compliance and ensure accurate and proper maintenance of mandatory records for control purposes.


Innovation is one of the core pillars of our company, which is why we are committed to staying ahead of market trends and exploring new avenues through the development of unique products. We have launched an ambitious project aimed at reinterpreting traditional wines with a vegan approach, bringing them to consumers' tables with a fresh image. There is a common misconception that vegan wines are not 'real' wines, but it is important to clarify that they remain true to tradition. We use time-honored methods to preserve the authentic taste, appearance, and organoleptic characteristics of our wines, with the only difference being the exclusion of any animal-derived ingredients from the production process. This includes avoiding the use of:

  • Isinglass, albumin (derived from eggs or defibrinated ox blood),
  • casein and caseinates (from milk), lysozyme (from eggs),
  • gelatin (sourced from pork and/or beef skins and bones).

Our goal is to show that it is possible to preserve the excellence and richness of traditional wine while adapting it to meet the ethical and dietary needs of modern consumers.

Bio&Vegan's Collection