Negroamaro Puglia IGT

Still Red Wine

A wine well-suited for traditional Salento cuisine, including stewed vegetables, grilled lamb, red meats, spicy and aged cheeses, and pasta dishes with rich sauces.


Negroamaro / IGT Puglia / Dieci.Nove.Dieci

ORIGIN: Puglia, in the provinces of Brindisi, Lecce, and Taranto.

VINE VARIETY: 100% Negroamaro

SOIL: Medium-textured located around the 40° parallel north.

GRAPEVINE CULTIVATION: Guyot and spur-pruned cordon

HARVEST: Handpicked 

VINIFICATION: Crushing and de-stemming of the grapes followed by fermentation with skin maceration at controlled temperatures of 25°C using selected yeasts.

AGING: Aged in temperature-controlled stainless steel vats. During aging, the wine undergoes numerous analytical checks to ensure its integrity.

BOTTLING: Cold sterile


COLOR: Vibrant ruby red.

NOSE:  Intense and fruity with subtle spicy notes reminiscent of tobacco.

TASTE: Harmonious, warm, and enveloping, with well-balanced tannins.


INTERNATIONAL PAIRINGS: Steak with roast – Germany, Beef Burritos – Mexico

CURIOSITY: The origin of the name is uncertain; it contains the repetition of the word "black" in two languages: "niger" in Latin and "maru" in ancient Greek. Others believe it stems from the dialectal term "niuru maru," meaning black and bitter. It is the grape variety richest in resveratrol.